Mindfulness Group Projects

Mindfulness Project

For this project, you will work in groups. Each group must design a presentation (google slides, powerpoint, or prezi) or video to present their topic. Feel free to be creative and support your presentation with real research. You may also feel free to add personal experiences. You will fill out a confidential survey at the end in order to self-evaluate yoru work and evaluate the work of other group members.


Date due: Wednesday, May 20th


Group 1: What is stress and how can I create a personal plan to manage stress?

(consider: What causes stress? Is stress always bad? How is it manifested in the body? What ways can someone deal with stress–create a sample of a plan to deal with stress or a sample weekly schedule on things to do weekly that can reduce stress)





Group 2: Write and record a guided meditation. There are many examples and scripts on the internet that you can use. You can either video it or audio record it. One or two people could write, and one record — or you can take turns recording different part of the meditation.





Group 3:

Mindfulness. What is mindfulness? What are some easy techniques to use mindfulness? What is the science behind mindfulness? Have one person in your group try a mindfulness activity (breathing, mindful eating, etc) and describe its effects.





Group 4: Design a sample curriculum/presentation for how stress management and mindfulness could be incorporated into St Denis’ culture.





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