4°Int and 4°Euro Resources

4° History Chronology
18th century The Encyclopaedia was created in France and philosophers started to question the legitimacy of absolute monarchy.
1776 Declaration of Independence of US
1789-99 French Revolution destroyed the institutions of the Ancient Regime and founded a New France.
14th July 1789: Taking of the Bastille, fall of the Royal prison which symbolised the end of absolute monarchy.
August 1789: Declaration of the rights of man and the citizen.
September 1792: abolition of the monarchy and proclamation of the Republic.
1799-1815 Napoleon’s Consulate and Empire.
1804 Napoleon was crowned Emperor of the French on 2ndDecember.
1815 Congress of Vienna. Boundaries of Europe were redrawn by the States which were victorious against Napoleon.
1815-48 Constitutional Monarchy (Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis-Philippe). The power of monarchy was limited by a constitution and the power of parliament increased.
1848-1852 Second Republic established universal male suffrage and abolished slavery due to the work of Victor Schoelcher (1804-93)
1852-1870 2nd Empire of Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III). France modernised its economy during this period.
1848 Communist Party Manifesto published
1853 Victor Hugo published Les Chatiments
1870-1840 Proclamation of the 3rd Republic after the fall of the Second Empire. In 1940, Pétain took power and created an authoritarian regime.
1882 Jules Ferry proposed laws which made education secular, free and obligatory
1894-1906 The Dreyfus Affair divided France.
1905 Law passed which separated the Church and State in France.


4° Geography Essential Information

The Five most Populated Countries in the World (2021):


(in millions of inhabitants)

China 1.425   (or 1.4 billion inhabitants)
India 1.362  (or 1.3 billion inhabitants)
USA 329
Indonesia 266
Brazil 220


Updated World Population (by country) map: https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries

The Five Highest HDI Scores by Country (2019):

  1. Norway — .957
  2. Ireland — .955 (tie)
  3. Switzerland — .955 (tie)
  4. Hong Kong (China) — .949 (tie)
  5. Iceland — .949 (tie)



The Five Longest Rivers in the World

River Name Location Length (miles approx) Length (km approx)
Nile Africa 4,160 6,695
Amazon South America 4,000 6,400
Yangtze Asia (China) 3,900 6,240
Mississippi USA 3,870 6,192
Ob Asia (Russia) 3,459 5,534

For more information on Rivers see: http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/rivers/longest.htm

Download this document for a list of Linking Words, Prepositions (with French translations) and basic HG vocabulary:

Linking Words and HG Basic Vocab









Europe and the World in the 18th Century

In the 17th and 18th centuries European rivalries led to the building of vast colonial empires. Millions of slaves were deported from Africa to work in these colonies on huge plantations which produced items for the European market. This trade helped finance the expansion of the Atlantic ports in the Netherlands, France and the UK.

Map and description of the Triangular Trade:

The Triangular Trade Explained

The Atlantic Slave Trade explained (5m):

The slave ship Zong Massacre

Video on Belgian Congo and King Leopold II:


The Scramble for Africa – Congo

The Enlightenment

In the 18th century, most of the European states were led by royal dynasties headed by a king or queen who held absolute power. However, some rulers, such as Catherine the Great of Russia and Frederic II of Prussia were influenced by the ideas of the philosophers. They were known as enlightened despots.

Learning Resources:

PowerPoint about the Age of Reason:

the age of reason

Chapter extract: 4° His Chp2 the enlightenmentdoc1

Evaluation on The Enlightenment: 4eme Int Enlightenmentwork

The French Revolution

Engravings (caricatures) of the Old Regime and the French Revolution:

Europe and the World in the 19th Century

European Colonialism Review (5m):
Short video on the impacts of colonization on aboriginal people in Australia:
To help you learn about the French Conquest of Algeria (which took many decades) please watch this excellent video below and use the Power Point presentation Conquest of Algeria to help complete the worksheet:

The Industrial Revolution

Video about child labor in the industrial revolution:

Society, Culture and Politics in France during the 19th Century

The French and the Vote

This chapter covers a crucial period in French history from 1815 and the defeat of Napoleon through to the Second Empire of Napoleon III. It focuses on the changes in who could vote and participate in the electoral life of France.

Key concepts you will learn about include census suffrage and universal suffrage. Suffrage means the right to vote.

Click on the document below to have access to the chapter:

History Chp 6 French and Vote Texta

Click here to access the worksheet:

History Chp 6 activitiesa

France in the late 19th century

This chapter covers the period 1870 through to the outbreak of WW1 in 1914. Lots of significant events happened in this period  and we will be studying three: the Paris Commune, the Dreyfus Affair, and the Separation of Church and State in France:

4° History Chp 7a

A short video about the Paris Commune can be found here:

For details on the Dreyfus Affair, which was the biggest scandal of this period, follow this link:


This short video provides a good overview of the Dreyfus Affair:


The first three minutes of this video also detail the Dreyfus Affair:




Here is a video on another important issue of this period, the concept of French Secularism:




Video 1: What is urbanization?

Understanding the Blue Banana (European Megalopolis):


Land Use in cites in Developing Countries


Case study on Nairobi

Link to map of Nairobi:


Quick look around the Favela da Rocinha, Brazil:


Kibera: Kenya’s biggest slum:

Case Study on Shrinking Cities

The phenomenon of shrinking cities refers to a metropolitan area that experiences significant population loss in a short period of time. It is also known as counterurbanization.

PPT introduction:

Shrinking Cities

Video (in French, about Detroit):

Alternative video (in English) – 19m

Go to this site for photographs of Detroit:



What are the features of Hong Kong Case Study: 7th October Homework:

After carefully completing the map (remember how to shade in the outline of the coast in blue) and completing the legend + annotations you need to complete the paragraph.

Explain why Hong Kong is considered a global metropolis yet is also marked by inequalities.

How to answer this question:

EXPLAIN – this is a command word, it means give reasons for something

GLOBAL METROPOLIS – this is DNL vocabulary – remember, it means a city that is very well connected to the global economy  and connected to other major cities (such as Paris, New York and London) – people come to Hong Kong on business from all over the world (arriving at the international airport for example and using the renowned global exhibition and conference facilities) or as tourists (to visit Disney Land perhaps) and the container port of Hong Kong offers a global maritime opening (it receives and send outs manufactured products on ships to the rest of the world)

marked by inequalities’ – this means despite all the wealth many inhabitants are still poor (think about where they live – look at the photograph of houses on the roofs of skyscrapers.

So use the map, the documents and your own ideas to write a coherent paragraph response.



Transnational Migration

Difference between migrants and refugees:
Migration Push and Pull Factors:


Link to a site with more recent up to date information on tourism:

Spaces Transformed by Globalisation

The rise of globalization has witnessed the development of coastal zones around the world because maritime transport is essential for this process. Seas and oceans have become strategic resources and their exploitation can lead to tensions between states.

Download the entire chapter here:

4° Gg Chapter 5

Learn about Ocean zones here:


And Exclusive Economic Zones here:


Video about the South China Sea:




The United States of America is the world’s biggest economic power. This power is based on an immense territory which is firmly integrated into different global networks. Globalisation has also transformed America.

Since the end of WW2, the US has played a major role on the international scene. It helped to create important institutions like the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the UN (United Nations).

The interventions decided by the UN depended considerably on American military power. It has the biggest military in the world. This is known as hard power.

The US has also created the USMCA  (United States Mexico Canada Agreement) to increase trade between the different countries of North America.  The stock exchange (bourse) in New York is the biggest in the world and the dollar is the world’s principal currency.

Americans also invest huge amounts of money in other countries. English is the principal language of the USA and is used in international business and most scientific publications. The USA also possess an enormous capacity to diffuse information through the way it dominates the internet and the power of its media organizations such as CNN. This is known as soft power.


D.N.L. Vocabulary

  1. American way of life: refers to lifestyle of people living in the USA
  1. American Dream: national ethos of the USA, it includes the idea that everyone is equal and prosperity and success can be achieved through hard work
  1. CBD (Central business district): business centre of a city, it usually contains skyscrapers because of limited space and high land values
  1. Industrial belt (or Rust belt): Region of north-east USA which contains older manufacturing industries such as the automobile industry
  1. Sun Belt: region of southern and western USA characterised by a warm climate and hi-tech industries


Overview Powerpoint to prompt discussion on Immigration (in three parts):

USA discussion part one

USA prt2

USA discussion pt 3

