Maus: Chapters 4-5

Here is the link to the quiz. Please take it before Thursday morning:

MAUS : Chapters 4-5 QUIZ



Respond/discuss in the comments below to the following questions:

A) Mala complains about how Vladek saves everything and refuses to spend money if he doesn’t have to. Why might Vladek behave this way?

B) Chapter 5 is appropriately called “Mouse Holes.” The next chapter is called “Mouse Trap.” What can you predict will happen in the next chapter? (Don’t answer if you have already read ahead)


MAUS Chapters 2-3

Please take the quiz below before Thursday morning:



Respond to/discuss the two following questions in the comments section below for your weekly participation grade:


  1. Using what you already know about the Holocaust, why do you think the author chose to portray the Jews as mice and the Nazis as cats?
  2. The novel often jumps between present-day Artie and his elderly father Vladek and the story of Vladek’s past. Look back at the frames of present-day Vladek (use info from this chapter and previous ones.) What are some of the characteristics of present-day Vladek?


For extra credit, visit the “Wellness” onglet on the blog for ways to manage stress during this difficult time. Wellness

Try the meditation exercise and comment on the post with your reaction/experience.

Chapter 1 of MAUS

Please take the quiz below before the end of the week:



Also, for your participation grade, comment below (respond to each other, agree/disagree, discuss) in response to the following question:

At the end of this chapter, Vladek specifically asks Artie not to include the story about Lucia and Anja in Artie’s book about the Holocaust, but Artie does anyway. Why do you think this is?


Semaine 16-20 Mars

Work on “Utopia” OR Erasmus research/project/presentation started in class 1h

Send presentation to Mme Carpenzano   A rendre : 24 Mars

Optional: Finish watching “The Giver” on Netflix

Go to this blog and practice commenting on the blog.

Read Chapter 1 of Maus (see below) for next Wednesday.


Semaine 23-27 Mars

Here is the pdf for a graphic novel called MAUS:

Please read all of “Chapter 1” for next Wednesday, the 25TH of March.

There will be a quiz on chapter 1 of Maus–link will be posted to the blog on the 25TH.

Contribute to class “discussion” on the blog.



September 15, 2015

Today we began our class with our warm-up journals, writing down as many verbs and adjectives we could think of in English.

We then wrote many on the board,  looked for multiple synonyms for each of the words, and wrote phrases using the verbs and adjectives we examined.

Next, we took our quiz on chapters 1-3 of Holes. I collected the quizzes, and we used the remaining time to work on our “I Am From” poems before handing them in at the end of the period.


This Thursday: hand-in your summer work

This Friday: reread chapters 4-9 of Holes

Next Tuesday: Hand in your “Forgotten Promise” story.

September 11, 2015

The last two classes, we have gone over the beginning of Holes together. We analyzed the plot, setting, characters, and the writer’s techniques.

We also talked about the concept of “genre” and brainstormed the words in English that we associate with each genre.


Today, we worked on our “I am From” poems.

For next Tuesday, the 15th of September, you must:

x finish a “first draft” of your “I am From Poem

x study for a quiz on chapters 1-3 of Holes. Also review our analysis worksheet of the first two chapters of Holes

September 4, 2015

Today we finished our “name game” activity. I now hopefully know your names by heart!

Then we read the poem “I Am From.” We went over the vocabulary verse by verse until we understood it together.

After reading the poem, we began to write our own versions of the poem.

Where I’m From Original Poem & Template_0


For Tuesday: bring your materials, sign-up for remind, you will have a test on the syllabus

September 3, 2015

Today we went over the class “syllabus.” This answered all our questions about rules in the classroom and what we will be doing this year.

First Lang Eng 3eme Syllabus Document

We then played a “name game” so that I can get to know you and I can grade your participation in class.

For next Tuesday:

bring your materials, sign-up for remind, you will have a test on the syllabus

Write in your books! How to successfully ANNOTATE and why

What is annotation and why should I do it?

Your whole life you’ve been told NOT to write in books. Now I’m going to tell you to do the opposite. Why?


1)…make it easy to find important information quickly when you look back and review a text.

2)…help you familiarize yourself with both the content and organization of what you read.

3)…provide a interact with and understand what you are reading through comments, questions, associations, or other reactions that occur to you as you read.

In all these ways, annotating a text makes the reading process an active one, not just background for writing assignments.

A well-annotated text will accomplish all of the following:

•clearly identify where in the text important ideas and information are located

•express the main ideas of a text

•trace the development of ideas/arguments throughout a text

•introduce a few of the reader’s thoughts and reactions

modified from

When you are annotating, you are understanding more deeply, and you are studying and learning deeply without even really trying! This means that later on, you will have less work to do!

Here are some examples of annotated readings. You may choose to use more colors, highlighters, sticky notes, etc. to create your own system of annotation that makes sense to you.

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Try using different symbols, for example:

  • UNDERLINING: Underline (or highlight) all unfamiliar words. Later you can come back and write a synonym or brief definition of these words in the margins.
  • ARROWS: Draw arrows within the margins to show how ideas relate to one another. (Maybe how supporting details connect to the main idea.)
  • NUMBERS: Use numbers to indicate steps in a process, lists, important details, etc.
  • QUESTION MARK: If something in the text causes you to ask a question, make a note of it in the margin.
  • STAR or ASTERISK: Use this symbol if something stands out as important or interesting.
  • EXCLAMATION MARK: Represent points you disagree with by writing an exclamation mark in the margin. (In a few words, jot down your contrary thought.)
  • ABBREVIATIONS: Use your text-message spelling as shorthand notes (e.g., humorous parts with LOL).
  • MARGIN NOTES: If something in the text causes you to have a comment, make a note of it in the margin. (This may include quick nutshell-summary notes.)