Gender in Purple Hibiscus

Gender in the book

1.What does Papa Nnukwu say about the difference between the female mmuo and the male?

2.What does Papa Nnukwu promise Ifeoma his spirit will ask for her and what is her response?

3.Why does Beatrice say Eugene’s Umunna suggested he should get himself a second wife?

4.What reasons does Beatrice give to Ifeoma for why she cannot leave Eugene despite his abuse?

5.What phrase does Beatrice use to dismiss Ifeoma’s advice about  leaving Eugene?


Discussion Questions

1.What problematic gender roles and expectations does Adichie highlight in the Catholic church, in Papa Nnukwu’s traditional beliefs and in Nigerian culture? How does she challenge these?

2.What does Jaja view as idealized Nigerian masculinity and who does he feel embodies it? As readers, do we agree? What different versions of masculinity does Adichie portray and who embodies each of these versions? Which does she present as the most positive version of masculinity? Is there one that is perfect?

3.What different versions of femininity does Adichie portray and who embodies each of these versions? Whose version of femininity does Kambili follow at the start of the novel? What about at the end? Is Beatrice the anti-feminist character and Ifeoma the feminist ideal or is it more complex than that?

4.Many of the men die in the novel, leaving the women in the more powerful positions at the end of the novel – how is this an empowering image? How might it seem disempowering or misandrous?  What about Kambili’s vision of the Virgin Mary at Aoekpe? How could this be seen as a symbol of female empowerment?

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