Questions – Act 2, Scene 1, Sweet Bird of Youth

Sweet Bird of Youth


Questions – Act 2, Scene 1


  1. Where is this scene set and what does this setting emphasise?



  1. a) What does Act 2, Scene 1 say about Heavenly’s relationship with her father?


b) Why is Heavenly angry at her father?



c) What does Aunt Nonnie say that supports Heavenly’s view?



3 a) How does Tom Junior describe Heavenly?


b) How does Heavenly describe the effects of the operation?

c) Consider the stage directions later in this scene. How does Williams use water imagery to further the impression of decay?


4) Is Tom Junior more or less despicable than his father? Find evidence to support your case.



5) a)  What do we learn of Miss Lucy in this scene?


b) Discuss the symbolic use of the mirror in this scene.


c) How does Boss Finley use religious symbolism to retaliate?


6.a)  How has Boss Finley made a name for himself?

b) What was Williams’ attitude towards this character?

c) To what lengths will he go to create the illusion of the perfect happy family?


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